Virginia Cosmetology License

Virginia Cosmetology License

If you are looking forward to getting your cosmetology license in the state of Virginia, you have come to the right page.

To obtain a cosmetology license, you will need a Virginia cosmetology license lookup. It has all the necessary information to prepare your for the licensing procedure.

How do I get my cosmetology license in Virginia?

Before you have your cosmetology license, make sure you complete the following steps.

Complete a cosmetology program

The Virginia Board of Barbers and Cosmetology is in charge of the licensing procedure. It has established its rules and requirements related to a cosmetology license.

In addition to the state requirements, in Virginia you are required to complete an approved cosmetology training/program. It must consist of 1500 hours.

As a rule, the cosmetology programs teach professional and practical educational material on these topics:

  • Professional ethics
  • State laws and regulations
  • Natural and artificial manicuring
  • Pedicuring procedures
  • Anatomy classes
  • Physiology
  • Chemistry
  • Sterilization techniques
  • Disinfection
  • Shampooing
  • Hair styling
  • Scalp treatments
  • Chemical relaxing
  • Hair cutting
  • Bleaching
  • Coloring
  • Make up
  • Skin care
  • Facials
  • Business ethics

Another key point is that if you do not want to attend a cosmetology school, you can also complete an acceptable apprentice program. See to it that it contains at least 3000 hours of training.

Pass the written exam

When you meet the training standards, you can take the cosmetology written examination. To register for the exam, click here.

Note that the application for taking the exam counts as application for license, too. Accordingly, you will not have to submit another application to obtain your cosmetology license.

In case you want to practice as a cosmetologist before you officially get your license, you may apply for a temporary license. It will allow you to practice cosmetology for 45 days until you get your permanent license.

What comes to the written examination, it is a computer-based, multiple-choice exam. The latter contains 120 questions. To answer them you will have two hours.

The questions will touch on infection control, safety, sanitation, cosmetology services, tools, equipment, chemistry, anatomy and physiology. They will also assess your knowledge of cosmetology products and their appropriate use.

Pass the practical exam

The examination name already speaks for itself. You will need to show your cosmetology skills on real-life models, as well as mannequins.

They will test your disinfection, hair coloring, hair cutting, thermal curling and other skills. To be ready to complete these tasks, bring these supplies with you:

  1. Thermal curling iron
  2. Combs
  3. Hair Cutting Supplies
  4. Chemical wave rods
  5. Hair Lightening/Coloring Supplies
  6. Hair clips
  7. Chemical Relaxing Supplies
  8. Blow dryer
  9. Basic Facial Supplies
  10. Cleansing cream
  11. Toner or astringent
  12. Manicure Supplies
  13. Gloves

Note that this list does not list all the necessary products. That is why you should make the list beforehand.

Renew your cosmetology license

Virginia cosmetology licenses expire every two years. Accordingly, you must renew it when it is due to expire.

If you have more questions, visit the official website of the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.

Here is also the contact information:

Board for Barbers and Cosmetology
3600 West Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23230-4917

Seda S

Seda S

Seda has four years of professional experience as a multilingual content writer. She employs SEO principles and rules to come up with original and SEO-friendly articles. Seda also has editing, proofreading, researching, and translating skills, which help to produce better content. She has written a number of articles for a wide range of websites that look for unique and genuine content. She has written targeted content for consumer portions, and she is specialized in writing guest posts, digital marketing, wellness, beauty, and other articles. Furthermore, she has prepared guides and helping materials for websites, which help people seeking licensure in all areas. Seda has also used brand new writing techniques and style based on the article while contributing to readability, accuracy, and tonality.